n-Natures is an experimental installation that respond to the complex geometry of an existing art gallery space. n-Natures stems from a mathematical model that translate latent forces of circulation in the gallery. The resulting tensile system expresses the combination and balance between a specific mathematical equation (the Riemann Zeta function), the physics of tensile forces and the geometry of the existing space. The lines are color coded according to their function and density.
Client Rhode Island School of Design
Design concept Open Source Architecture (C. Ahrens, E. Neuman, A. Sprecher) and JBohn Associates (John Bohn)
Mathematica modeling and mathematics Dr. Edward C. Mosteig, Dept. of Mathematics, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
Computational scripting Paul Kalnitz, Open Source Architecture
Measurements and design assistance Kevin Deabler, RoDE architects inc, Boston, MA
Preliminary prototype Open Source Architecture and JBohn Associates
Final prototype Open Source Architecture and JBohn Associates with the assistance of students from the University of Southern California: Alberto Arifin, Ryan Bourgeois, Chris Hyun, Eunice Lee, Carolyn Mei Ng, Bernice Ngo, Tanya Zurita
Exhibition assistance Rachel Stopka and Joseph Combs, RISD School of Architecture, Providence, RI
Manufacturing SCI-Arc Shop with the support of Katsumi Moroi (Shop Master), Rodney Rojas (Digital Fabrication Supervisor), Dan Riley (Shop Supervisor) and Shop Assistants Thor Erickson, Will Rollins, James Peterson, Andy Riiska and Anthony Lagunay
Size 500 sqf
Planning 2008
Construction 2009