AI + Design Mini-symposium, Washington University in St. Louis
Instabilities and Potentialities, Ariel University, Israel/ Palestine
Instabilities and Potentialities, AIA Christopher Kelley Leadership Development Program, St. Louis, MO
Possible Future, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Instabilities and Potentialities, Data-driven Modeling and Design for Architecture and Environment Integration, Technical University of Wien, Austria
Anxious Environments, Israel Institute of Technology, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Intensity, Extensity, Potentiality, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Intensity, Extensity, Potentiality, Technical University of Munich, Germany
The Space of Sound, Biota Lecture at Venture Cafe, St. Louis, Missouri
The Matter at Hand, Azrieli Foundation Sypmosium, Tel Aviv, Israel
Controlling Daylight Reflectance with Cyber-physical Systems, Victoria University of New Zealand, CAADRIA conference, Wellington, New Zealand
Catoptric Surface, Image forming light reflectance, ACADIA Conference, Mexico City, Mexico
What Lies Between, Los Angeles Institute of Architecture & Design, Los Angeles, CA
Technical Indeterminism: Toward a Sensible Architectural Tool. Invited to present at EAHN 2017 Conference, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. Presented on November 23rd 2017.
Informed Performance: Probabilities and Speculations in Architecture, TxA Emerging Technology & Design Conference, Texas Society of Architects, Austin, Texas
Smart Cities: Perspectives and Innovations. 31 October 2017. Presented at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Invited by The Quebec Fund for Research, Montreal, Canada
Topologies and Combinatoric Multiplicities, Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Activities in Architecture, Lyon, France
Transdisciplinarity, The Case for Open Source Architecture, Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Activities in Architecture, Lyon, France
Human Environment. 08 June 2016. Presented at the Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Activities in Architecture, Lyon, France
Construction Processes 24 February 2016. Presented at the Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Activities in Architecture, Lyon, France
Festival du Film d’Art, Montreal, 20 October 2015
Influence Confluence, 20 July 2015. Presented at the Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Activities in Architecture, Lyon, France
To be Defined, Architecture and the Informed Environment, Israel Institute of Technology, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Fashion, Architecture & Technology Co-Evolution, Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Activities in Architecture, Lyon, France
Klimasymmetry, Locating Thermal Tactility, Computational Ecologies ACADIA 2015 Conference, Cincinnati, OH
Digital Design in Architecture, Faculty Spotlight lecture series, Washington University in St. Louis
Model Space, Creative Exchange Lab, St. Louis, Missouri
Fabricating Pliant Boundaries, 15 March 2015. Presented at the Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Activities in Architecture, Lyon, France
Building Confluences, 16 January 2015. Presented at the Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Activities in Architecture, Lyon, France
Pliant Boundaries, Morphosis Architects technology group, Los Angeles, CA
Median Space, Cooper Union, New York, NY
Median Space, 18 December 2014. Presented at the Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Activities in Architecture, Lyon, France
Adaptive Knowledge, Harvard University Graduate School of Design in the conference “Talking Practice”, Cambridge, MA
Median Space, Department of Design and Computation Arts, Concordia University, Montreal
Recent Projects, AIA Dallas Jury lecture, Dallas, TX
Engines of Information: Big data from small buildings, BIM Futures symposium, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Transmutation, Inter-university Charrette, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal
Design through Computation: Explorations in Space Layout Planning. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Processing Transdisciplinary Knowledge: Intensity, Extensity and Potentiality in Digital Architecture, University of British Columbia at Robson Square, Vancouver.
Design through Computation: Explorations in Space Layout Planning. University of British Columbia at Robson Square, Vancouver.
Median Space. Department of Design and Computation Arts, Concordia University, Montreal.
Transmutation. Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal.
Feeling Orange. Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal.
Processing Knowledge: On the Transdisciplinary Nature of Digital Architecture. University of California, Los Angeles
Infrastructures Territoriales. École d’architecture of Université de Montréal.
Responsive Architecture, Advancing Sustainability Conference, Woodbury University, Burbank, CA
Binomial Operations, UCLA JumpStart, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Progressive Feedback, Extreme BIM: Parametrics and Customization conference, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Mock-ups, Moderator for panel discussion, Woodbury University WUHO gallery, Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
Open Source Architecture—Recent Projects. Banff, AL.
Open Source Architecture—Recent Projects. Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong.
Design in Silicio, McGill University School of Architecture, Montreal.
Open Source Architecture. École d’architecture, Université Laval, Quebec City.
(n)Syncopation, Third International Conference – ‘NATURAL’, Technologico de Monterrey, Queretaro, Mexico
Past Present Future, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
Evolutive Means, School of Architecture at Pratt Institute, New York.
Usage du Numérique en tant qu’Outil de Représentation, de Conception et de Fabrication en Architecture. École d’architecture of Université de Montréal.
Generative Modes in Architecture, University of Toronto, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design.
Structures Dissipatives. École d’architecture, Université de Montréal.
What happened to the Homo Faber, Israel Tel Aviv University, David Azrieli School of Architecture.
Forme, Formation, Information, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg.
Internal Logic, Woodbury University, Los Angeles
From Formal to Behavioral Architecture: Few Notes on the Abstraction of Function. Istanbul Technical University.
From Formal to Behavioral Realities. Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA.
Energetic Formations. Yolanda and David Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University.
Exhibition Curator: Tel Aviv Centennial, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Rumble, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
n-degrees of Proxemics,. Phyllis Lambert International Seminar, École d’architecture of Université de Montréal.
Research and Deploy, MAK Center for Art and Architecture, L.A. Forum, West Hollywood, CA.
n-Natures, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence.
Degrees and Switches. University of Minnesota College of Design, Minneapolis.
Performalism, Form and Performance in Digital Architecture, Museum of Modern Art, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Youniverse, Architecture Biennale of Sevilla, Spain.
Finn-Topo, Mapping Digital Architecture Today.
European Biennale of Industrial Design, Belgium.
n-Degrees of Architecture, Society for Arts and Technology, Montreal.
n-degrees of Proxemics, Department of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
Softspace, The Architectural League of New York.
Design Process + Innovation, A+D museum, Los Angeles.
n-dimensional architecture: California Polytechnic University Pomona, CA.
Notes of Design Research. University of Houston.
Aesthesia, Southern Illinois University, IL.
n-Dimensional Architecture, Southern Illinois University School of Architecture, Carbondale.
Notes on Abstract Systems, Upgrade! (design gallery), Jerusalem.
n-Coding realities, ZeZeZe Architecture Gallery, Tel Aviv.
Af-fluence In-fluence Con-fluence, McGill University School of Architecture, Montreal.
Information in-forms. University of Pennsylvania Faculty of Architecture/School of Design, Philadelphia.
The Gen(h)ome Project, MAK Center, Los Angeles, CA.
Silicone and Skin, ACADIA 08, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Uncontested, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
Machine Atmosphérique, FRAC, Orléans, France.
DRAWN, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
Dissipative Architecture, The Ohio State University School Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture, Columbus.
AIA ACADIA 2004, AIA Technology in Practice, Toronto.
Softspace, Rice University, Houston.
Past, Present and Future, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
Architecture and Automation, École nationale supérieure d’architecture Paris-Malaquais.
Technological Convergence, Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Paris.